Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday

After experiencing Black Friday madness first hand this morning it makes me realize just how crazy people can get. I know that the economy is down and that people are trying to make ends meet but things get a little crazy on these shopping holidays. For example, out on Long Island at a Walmart the crowd took the doors off the hinges and rushed the store killing one employee and sending a pregnant woman to the hospital ( We went to Target, Kohl's and Babies R' Us but it wasn't anything as crazy as it would be at a Walmart on Long Island. I can only imagine the Brooklyn-ites out there pushing their way into the store, threatening to bust some kneecaps if the other shopper doesn't give up the LCD TV they want.

I'd like to say that this could only happen in New York, but I know that isn't true. When people get frenzied it doesn't matter where they are.

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