Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Working from home

The best part about working on the web is that as long as you have an internet connection you can work from anywhere.

This week my wife has been sick with sore throat and a cough, it's been going around the DC area like wildfire. Like that isn't enough, our 8 1/2-month-old hasn't gone to bed before midnight and has been getting up every 2 hours for the past 2 weeks.

So instead of getting up at 6:00 am to catch the 7:28am train to make it into the office by 8:30, I roll out of bed at 8:00 am take a shower and log on.

It's definitely more difficult to focus on work when you're at home and the baby keeps screaming to get your attention so you'll watch her play, but it's really nice to be able to help out with her while my wife is feeling so terrible.

I think in order for me to take a telecommuting job I would need a home office where I shut myself in to avoid being interrupted. It would be a place where I could "go" to work and when I'm done for the day leave the work behind closed doors until I'm ready to work again.

I love this digital age where I can work while sitting on my sofa in my pajamas with a baby at my side all while watching Paula Deen on Food Network.

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