Thursday, August 13, 2009

Facebook cleansing

They say you should wash your face everyday, but how many of us have a dirty Facebook?

I went in the other day and I had about 250 "friends," many of whom I don't know very well and some that I've never even met in person. Some of these "friends" regularly post things that I don't want to appearing on my homepage feed. Sometimes they post inappropriate comments.

So the other night I found myself going through my "friends" and removing anyone who I haven't had personal contact with since we became Facebook friends. Turns out those who remained were people I want to keep track of, mostly family a few friends and a handful of acquaintances. I cut out over 100 people!

It's amazing, all of a sudden I'm seeing the posts from people who were typically pushed off my home page by the random mass of posts from "friends."

I think that everyone should try cleaning their Facebook every now and then.

1 comment:

Paula said...

Hey, I already did that. You can click on "hide" on the newspage and keep your contact with them as friend, but it doesn't show up in your newsfeed, too. I was kind of embarassed by some of the swearing by one of my relatives.