Thursday, May 1, 2014

I seem to be drifting of late between the things I do and those things that I want to do and I'm trying to find that place where I am "in my element." Reknowned TED speaker Sir Ken Robinson said that the Element is the point in time when your natural gifts (aptitude), personality and passion meet and become aligned.

My aptitude has been made manifest as I've developed my skills as a web designer and developer, my personality allows me to easily form relationships with others, but I have struggled to find what it is I'm passionate about in regards to my current circumstances.

I am passionate about building websites that work from any device or browser, also known as responsive design. I am passionate about trying out new technologies to see what works best for solving complex problems on the web. I am passionate about not working long days and missing time with my family. Sometimes these are at odds with each other especially as I spend time on projects outside my normal work routine or I am constrained by the tools available to me on a given project.

I think the key here is that I've not yet found something I am so passionate about that it will drive me in the direction of making changes. I need to step back and really think about what it is that I want to be doing and how I can start doing those things and perhaps that will lead me to discover what I am truly passionate about. Then comes the scary part... you have to do it. You have to make changes and take risks to follow your passions.

Here's to all of you that have gone before me, may you find continued success in following your passions and give me the inspiration I need in order to do the same.

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